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Fitzone By World Gym

Fitzone is an all-new World Gym concept targeted at everyone from regular gym-goers to beginners. Smaller than standard World Gyms, it hosts five daily one-hour sessions (starting 8:40 a.m. to 9:40 p.m.) with two 10-person teams swapping between a 30-minute treadmill run and 30-minute session with two coaches on a High Interval Intense Training (HIIT) workout that includes six kinds of repetitions, from water rower machines (exclusive to Fitzone) to goblet squats and chest presses. With 30 workout packages, each session is different and coaches recommend two sessions per week. Every student receives a personal Myzone physical activity belt–paired to an app and big-screen monitors giving live feedback for the entire team–that monitors heart rate, calories burned and color-coded percentage of max effort, which determines Myzone effort points for team and individual challenges. Data is also accumulated and stored for long-term monitoring. Monthly pricing ranges from NT$2,088 for a four classes/month to NT$3,988 for unlimited classes.

南屯區大墩路632號1樓(公益路轉角) (04) 2323-3333
632, DaDun Rd, 1F, Nantun Dist (corner with GongYi Rd)
大約時間/Approx. 8:40 am-10:40 pm

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Written by 何道明 Douglas Habecker

Douglas Habecker is the editor-in-chief of Compass Magazine


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