Helping to address a local dearth of authentic Malaysian eateries, this restaurant was recently opened in cooperation with Shin Yeh Restaurant Group, which has branches in many countries besides Malaysia, thanks to its consistent food quality control and use of authentic Malaysian ingredients. The variety of quality dishes here includes Pappa Hainan Fried Chicken Rice (NT$280), featuring a chicken thigh marinated with lemongrass and ginger for hours and deep-fried until crispy, and Nasi Lemak with Curry Chicken. Besides succulent Hainan Chicken, there is the aromatic Turmeric Cabbage with a spicy kick; and Beef and Chicken Satay. Among the top 10 must-try items here, Pappa Seafood Laksa (NT$280) showcases spicy, piquant Southeast Asian flavors and is prepared with thick shrimp paste for a palate-pleasing experience. The mix of drink options includes Pappa White Coffee, Teh Tarik Tea, and a sweet-and-sour iced drink prepared with cucumbers, mint leaves and lychee fruit.
289, WenXin S Rd, B1 level, Nantun Dist (Showtime
Wenxin mall) (04) 2473-5005
平日/weekdays 11 am-10 pm,
週六-日/Sat-Sun 10:30 am-10 pm