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77’s Bistro & Bar

Located near LiMing Road and the Chaoma bus terminals, this spot offers a cozy space for savoring all-day brunches (from NT$280), hearty pasta dishes (from NT$240), risotto and pizza (a la carte and set meals). For a leisurely afternoon tea time, there are also light snacks, salads, soups, deep-fried items and drinks on the menu. In the evening, a second-floor lounge bar opens to offer an ideal venue for customers to relax, enjoy some drinks and street views. There is beer, various spirits and many classic cocktail options (from NT$300), including mixed drinks with romantic elements, like the “Flora Tea”. Bartenders can also be asked about customized cocktails if customers aren’t sure what to order. Second-floor seating is limited so weekend reservations are recommended (a corkage fee is applied). Weekday business lunches (NT$180) are available and the menu is periodically revised.

西屯區台灣大道三段728號 (04) 2452-1790
728, Taiwan Blvd, Sec 3, Xitun Dist
 週日至週四/Sun-Thu 10:30 am-2 am
週五、六/Fri-Sat 10:30 am-3 am
(2樓酒吧6 pm開始/bar opens 6 pm)
Minimum 1 drink/meal per person order on 1F;
minimum NT$350/person weekday, NT$500/person
holiday/weekend order on 2F.

Don’t Drink & Drive

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Written by 革叡 Rachel An


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77’s 餐酒館