Run by Taihu Brewing, Chuoyinshi is a craft beer place located in an old government housing complex renovated by the Fantasy Group as the well-known “Green Ray Project” and has been serving creative brews made with local ingredients since its opening over a year ago. However, with the opening of CYS Burger on its second floor, it now also offers handmade burgers like the CYS Burger (NT$200) and MINI Burger (NT$150) plus french fries. Burgers here are made with a soft bun, fresh ground beef patties, freshly-picked lettuce and tomatoes, and the fries are available with a cheese sauce. On the first Friday of each month, the shop has a “Burger Day” promotion offering discounts to burger lovers. –By Helen Young Translated by Anna Yang
西區中興一巷22號2F; (04) 2305-5568
22, ZhongXing 1st Lane, 2F, West Dist
週一~週四/Mon-Thu 2-9 pm,
週五~六/Fri-Sat 2-10 pm,
週日/Sun 11:30 am-9 pm (週二休/closed Tue)